As a french song says « un peu plus près des étoiles… » (a little closer to the stars) : there is no other place than Nançay to observe the stars ! The universe fascinates you and you wish you could conquer the stars ? Enjoy an astronomic experience and come aboard an interstellar trip at the Pôle des Etoiles in Nançay.
A world unique astronomic site
Located at the heart of Sologne, in the forests of Nançay, you will find a unique site in the world. Well hide behind the trees, you will find a huge metallic structure : the radio astronomy station. It houses the 5th largest radio telescope in the world and the 2nd largest in Europe ! Created at the very beginning of the 50’s, this observation site and instrumental laboratory is part of several international projects such as the study of the galaxies, comets, stars, planets…
To this huge radio telescope is added at least 3 650 aerials that are deployed all over the site allowing the surveillance of numerous phenomenons of the celestial vault, the evolution of the universe, the planets, stars, asteroids and other exoplanets…
© Ad2t du Cher © Station de radioastronomie de Nançay
Visit the radio astronomy station
Once a year during the European Heritage Days, guided tours are offered to the public.
Between february and december, the Pôle des étoiles do guided tours of the observatory.
Come aboard an interstellar trip at the Pôle des étoiles
Right next to the station, the Pôle des étoiles opens its doors to invite you to an interstellar trip. You will find 1 500 m² of interactive exhibitions including a numerical planetarium. Come aboard an immersive experience right to the celestial vault during a 50 minutes session.
© Ad2t du Cher © Ad2t du Cher © Pôle des étoiles
New sessions are scheduled regularly, each one given by a scientific mediator. The formation of the universe will no longer hold any secrets for you.
A big bang of activities throughout the year
Different activities are offered throughout the year such as family workshops during the holidays. Guided tours of the observatory are offered between february and december. You will also enjoy interactive exhibitions, nights of observation and moonlight strolls.
© Station de radioastronomie de Nançay © Station de radioastronomie de Nançay © Pôle des étoiles
The “Nuit des Etoiles” (night of stars) festival
The national night astronomical event will be held on Saturday 07 August 2021 !
On the program: observations of the sky, observations with instruments and by video projection, legends of the starry sky, discoveries of the constellations … But also concerts, conferences, workshops, exhibitions and discovery of the village, its craftsmen, antique shops and shops.
See here for details.
Published on 23/04/2021